斯黛拉玛瑞女子中学 Stella Maris College – 曼丽海滩边的私立女校
Stella Maris College is a Catholic independent girls’ school founded by the Sisters of the Good Samaritan in 1931. It offers an outstanding secondary education for girls, with a diverse and flexible curriculum meeting the needs of the twenty-first century learner.
斯黛拉玛瑞女子中学是一所私立天主教学校,由Good Samaritan修女在1931年创立。 学校初高中课程丰富,学生可灵活选择,能满足21世纪学子的多元求学需求。
Location 地理位置
Stella Maris College is located on the world famous Manly Beach. It is only a one minute walk to the beachfront where students are able to sit, relax and read or do activities on the soft, white sand with fresh air from the ocean. It is just a 30 minute trip to the CBD, travelling by car (16km) or on the Manly Ferry. The ferry offers a pleasant scenic ride into the city. It is a 45 minute car trip (26km) from Manly to Sydney Airport.
Subject Choices and HSC Results 课程设计和高考水平
At the College we offer a diverse and extensive range of subjects that are of high interest to the girls. Along with the core subjects we also offer subjects that range from Philosphy and Critical Reasoning, through to Video Production, Visual Arts, Sports Science and Languages.
The College offers Year 7- 12, New South Wales and Australian Curriculum leading to the award of the internationally recognised, Higher School Certificate (HSC). Results in recent years have been outstanding. 100% of International Students have successfully graduated, and of those, 90% of students received University offers from the top eight Universities across Australia, and 10% of students continue to pursue their passion and talents at Universities in the UK and USA.
Facilities 学校设施
Below is a list of just a few of the facilities available to the students, but we must not forget the beautiful backdrop of the ocean and the parks that surround the College, which we also use as learning environments. We consider a Stella Maris student to be a lucky one.
Two modern Hospitality kitchens, Star of The Sea Theatre, Drama studio, Dance studio, four Science laboratories, Visual Arts & Design studios, and eight Music practice rooms
2个为教学所用的完善的烘培教室,“海之星”戏剧音乐厅,戏剧排演房,舞蹈排练房,4个科学实验室,健身房,3个设计工作室, 多功能教学厅以及8个配备齐全的音乐练习房。
Homestay and Welfare Arrangement 关怀和安全的住宿环境
All international students must live either with a relative or in homestay accommodation approved by Stella Maris College. However, we do encourage our girls to live in a registered Homestay with local Western families. Living in a Homestay not only provides students a secure place to live, but also allows them to improve their English skills and learn Western cultures through interaction with the family and joining their activities. Families provide meals, a clean, warm and friendly atmosphere to live and assist with laundry and cleaning. The cost of Homestay is approximately AUD$300 per week.
For those students who are under 18 years old, we also assign a member of staff to act as a guardian to the student. The guardian is in daily contact with the student, monitors her attendance, academic progress and welfare and liaises with the homestay.
The International Program Officer keeps in contact with all student’s parents providing up-to-date information on the welfare of the student and her academic progress. Every year, the College Principal and International Program Officer pay a visit to China and meet all overseas parents in person.
Extra-Curricular Activities 课外活动
There is strong participation in a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Students are involved in a variety of team and individual sports with College teams competing at State and National level. There is a rich tradition of performing arts using the facilities of the multi-functional Theatre, with many music, dance and drama ensembles.
Pastoral Care and Leadership 生活指导和领导能力
Central to the ethos of the College is the responsibility to attend to the pastoral needs of our girls in order for them to flourish as individuals. This enables them to take their place in the world as well-rounded, resilient young women with a positive and grounded self-image, a clear sense of purpose and a strong connection to their community. At Stella, we encourage our girls to be leaders. Every year, two International Prefects will be voted by the school community and they are the ambassadors to bridge the two cultures.
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