澳洲高中 布里斯班 维拉诺瓦私立男校VILLANOVA



上周发布了悉尼圣澳古斯汀男子中学的信息,只可惜一位难求。其实该集团在布里斯班还有另外一所私立男校 – Villannova College 维拉诺瓦学校。


Villanova College is an Independent Catholic School for boys from Year 5 to Year 12 conducted by the Order of St Augustine.



Villanova College History 维拉诺瓦学校 校史

Since being founded by five Irish priests in 1948, Villanova College has always been an independent Catholic school for boys under the care of the Augustinian Ord


澳洲高中 布里斯班 维拉诺瓦私立男校VILLANOVA

Beneÿts of an all-boys college 男校优势

Boys’ only schools offer an engaging educational environment which cater for a variety of personalities and interests. The boys receive support and encouragement to thrive academically and are inspired to want to be at school and learn.


Villanova College students are bound bya shared set of expectations to promote good behaviour, positive relationships and self-responsibility. This sense of community and belonging is essential in being “of one mind and heart on our way towards God” (St Augustine). Through our Three Schools One College approach boys are exposed to learning environments where they are extended and supported at each stage of their development to ensure they experience personal success, self-confidence, responsibility, resilience and independence.


Each school aims to help boys focus on academic and co-curricular activities by raising expectations of what boys can achieve. Studies show that boys learn very differently from girls. We therefore adopt contemporary research to design our learning strategiesin ways that are tailored to how boys think and learn, ensuring curriculum offerings and teaching methodologies are diverse and engaging. All-boys schools provide a safe place for boys to take chances and express their emotions as well as explore a range of subjects. This opens up their choices both academically and for future career options.


Our Personal Development, Camp, Ministry and Retreat Programs are designed to promote strong bonds of friendship and understanding and tolerance of differences. There are also numerous opportunities throughout the school year to engage in supervised social, cultural and academic activities with our sister school, Loreto College.

我们的个人发展、露营、事工和休闲项目,旨在增进友谊和理解,并促进对差异的宽容度。学年间也有大量的机会可在指导下参加姐妹学校洛瑞特学校(Loreto College)的社交、文化和学术活动。

澳洲高中 布里斯班 维拉诺瓦私立男校VILLANOVA

College Location and Transportation 学校位置和交通

The Villanova College campus is located at 24 Sixth Avenue, Coorparoo on the southern side of the Brisbane River about four kilometres from the Brisbane CBD. The College’s sporting fields used for athletics, cricket, football and rugby are located at Manly Road, Tingalpa.

维拉诺瓦学校校园位于布里斯班河南岸的库帕鲁区第六大道24号(24 Sixth Avenue) , 距离布里斯班中心商务区约4公里。维拉诺瓦学院的田径场、板球场、足球场和橄榄球场等体育场地均位于廷加帕区(Tingalpa)曼利路(Manly Road)。

All of the College’s academic activities are conducted at the Coorparoo Campus where the library, general classrooms, specialist classrooms such as science laboratories, theatre and study centres are located. In addition the campus has a 25 metre pool, indoor and outdoor ball courts, weights room and a playing field to accommodate Physical Education lessons.


Coorparoo train station is a short ten (10) minute walk away, while a network of buses provides reliable transport for students from the Bayside area and most suburbs south of the College.


澳洲高中 布里斯班 维拉诺瓦私立男校VILLANOVA

College Facilities 学校设施

The Villanova College campus includes the Villanova Chapel, and buildings and facilities that comprise the Junior School, Middle School and Senior School precincts, as well as the heritage listed building “Langlands”.

维拉诺瓦学校校区内包括维拉诺瓦小教堂,供小学、初中和高中使用的教学楼和设施,以及列入名址的“朗兰兹(Langlands)” 建筑。

● Hanrahan Theatre 汉拉汗剧院

● Weights gym 力量训练健身房

● Swimming pool 游泳池

● Music recording studiov 录音棚

● Science labs 科学实验室

● Study centres 学习中心

● Library 图书馆

● Technology centre 技术中心

● Catering centre 餐饮中心

● Specialist Drama and Art classrooms 戏剧与艺术专用教室

● Instrumental practice rooms 乐器练习室

● Indoor courts 室内球场

● Outdoor courts 室外球场

● Sports playing fields 运动场

● Flexible learning spaces 分散学习空间

● Chapel 小教堂

● School assembly hall 学校礼堂

澳洲高中 布里斯班 维拉诺瓦私立男校VILLANOVA

Senior School Curriculum高中课程

Year 11 and Year 12 | 11年级和12年级

A typical program of study for a full-time student in Years 11 and 12 consists of seven subjects or six subjects and the Independent Study Program (ISP) in each semester. Each subject is intended to be studied for two years.


Core Subjects 核心科目

Students must take certain compulsory subjects as part of their Core Studies. These are:


● English Communication or English 英语交流或英语

● Essential Mathematics, General Mathematics or Mathematical Method 基本数学,普级数学 或 数学方法

● Study of Religion or Religion and Ethics 宗教学习或宗教伦理

澳洲高中 布里斯班 维拉诺瓦私立男校VILLANOVA

Co-Curricular Activities 课外活动

Our search for learning, understanding and the development of personal, social and spiritual dimensions of our students occurs not only in the classroom but also through the ministry, cultural, sporting and other activities of the co-curricular program.


Villanova has a structured co-curricular program which in its variety, offers students opportunities to develop their personal talents in an atmosphere that promotes enjoyment, friendship, community participation and spiritual growth. The program also enhances the community’s sense of identity and achieves outcomes such as cooperation, teamwork, sportsmanship and develops pride in achieving to potential.


Music 音乐

Music at Villanova College is truly a community enterprise, with enthusiastic support from staff, students, parents, the Villanova community, and the greater Brisbane community. Music is an inclusive art, and there is a place for any student in our program who has the necessary desire and commitment to create music at a high standard.


Villanova College is proud of its reputation in this area and encourages all students to be a part of the Music program.


All music teachers are professionally qualified and provide weekly tuition on an instrument of the student’s choice. Upon demand there is opportunity for students to take music theory classes to enable preparation for the study of music at tertiary levels. Villanova College encourages all instrumental students to participate in one of the major bands or ensembles including:


● Concert Bands 演唱会乐队

● Jazz Big Bands 爵士大乐队

● Guitar Ensembles 吉他合奏团

● String Ensembles 弦乐合奏团

● Music Ministry 音乐事工

● Choir 合唱团

澳洲高中 布里斯班 维拉诺瓦私立男校VILLANOVA

Sport 体育运动

Sport plays an integral part in the development of students at Villanova College. The College has a rich tradition of sporting prowess having produced a number of sportsmen who have excelled in the Australian and international arenas.

Students have the opportunity to participate in the school’s representative teams, which play in the Associated Independent Colleges (AIC) competition.



澳洲高中 布里斯班 维拉诺瓦私立男校VILLANOVA

Pastoral Care 人文关怀

The Student Services Officer/s looks after the day to day needs of the students’ including:


● First aid and sick bay 急救和医务室

● Contacting parents 联络家长

● Medication storage and supply 药物存放和提供

● Lending of uniform items 校服用品租用

● Ordering student Id cards 订购学生身份卡

● Student services records all the absentees for the students who are late, leaving early or absent, students leaving early must have approval from parents in the form of a note or phone call 学生服务负责记录所有学生的缺勤情况,包括迟到、早退或旷课等。学生提早离校需得到家长通知或电话的批准。

● Lost property 失物招领

澳洲高中 布里斯班 维拉诺瓦私立男校VILLANOVA



澳洲高中 布里斯班 维拉诺瓦私立男校VILLANOVA

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